Understanding Hagiography and its Textual Tradition: the Late Antique and the Early Medieval Period (6th-11th centuries)

Lisbon, 24-26 October 2018


Between the sixth and the eleventh century, passions, lives of saints, translations of relics, miracles and other hagiographical genres underwent a remarkable process of transmission and rewriting. This conference aims at producing a fresh look at the transmission and the evolution of these crucial pieces of the spiritual and cultural life in the early Middle Ages. It will explore manuscript and textual traditions and literary reshaping, both in the history of the hagiographic genre and in the evolutionary process of the specific texts, without overlooking their function as pieces of a cult or simply of edification.


24 October | 24 de Outubro
Room / Sala B2




Welcome words

Michael Lapidge (Univ. Cambridge)
Introductory Remarks


Guy Philippart (Univ. Namur)
L’hagiographie, entre croyance et dérision

Patrick Henriet (EPHE, Paris)
Aux origines des collections hagiographiques consacrées aux saints ermites

11h00-11h30 Coffee break


Eka Chikvaidze (Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature)
St Barbara’s Martyrdom: the Georgian Versions

Nikoloz Aleksidze (Univ. Oxford)
The ‘Discovery’ of Old Hagiographies and Their New Political Lives in Medieval Georgia


Mark Humphries (Univ. Swansea)
Texts, Traditions, and Torture: the Persecutor in North Italian Hagiography

13h15-14h45 Lunch break


Paulo Farmhouse Alberto (Univ. Lisboa)
Collections of Vitae Sanctarum in Tenth-Century Northern Spain


Elizabeth Buchanan (Univ. Findlay, Ohio)
Monastic Use of Early Coptic Saints’ Miracles as a Prod to Donate and a Warning against Theft

Tina Chronopoulos (Univ. Binghamton, New York)
The Early Greek Lives of St Katherine of Alexandria

Anna Lampadaridi (Newton International Fellow, British Academy)
Lire saint Jérôme en grec : l’exemple de la Vie d’Hilarion (BHG 752)

16h45-17h00 Coffee break


Stephen Bay (Brigham Young Univ., Utah)
An Exploration of the Text of the Passio Adriani et Nataliae

Laura Franco (Univ. London)
Rewriting Euphrosyne

Óscar Prieto Domínguez (Univ. Salamanca)
La Translatio del patriarca Nicéforo (BHG 1336) y sus primeras revisiones


Presentation of the project PaLMA – Passionaria Latina Medii Aevi (SISMEL Firenze, coordinated by Agostino Paravicini Bagliani)

25 October | 25 de Outubro
Room / Sala B2


Paolo Chiesa (Univ. Milano)
Le ‘edizioni scientifiche’ di testi agiografici fra teoria e prassi

Rodrigo Furtado (Univ. Lisboa)
Bibliotheca Hagiographica Portucalensis: Libraries, Books and Texts up to 1100 – a First Survey

10h30-11h00 Coffee break


Fernand Peloux (Univ. Namur)
Remarques sur les plus anciens manuscrits hagiographiques conservés de la péninsule Ibérique (IXe s. ?)

Ken Tully (Villanova Univ., Philadelphia)
The Life of Abercius

Riccardo Macchioro (Univ. Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale)
L’agiografia a Roma alle soglie della ‘Riforma gregoriana’: traduzioni e riscritture nel leggendario di San Pietro (Biblioteca Vaticana, Arch. S. Pietro, A.2+A.4+A.5)


Rosalind Love (Univ. Cambridge)
St Mildreth’s Journey from Abbess to Persecuted Virgin in her Tenth- and Eleventh-Century Hagiography

13h00-14h45 Lunch break


Monique Goullet (CNRS/Paris-1, Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Déconstruire l’hagiographie


Mads Østerlund Christensen (Univ. Aarhus)
Primitive Originals and Vulgar Abridgements: the Case of the Scillitan Martyrs

Martina Pavoni (SISMEL, Firenze)
Sulla paternità della Vita e del Liber de virtutibus sancti Hilarii attribuiti a Venanzio Fortunato

Frances Murray (Univ. Warsaw)
The Second Life of Balthild: Queenship and Power in the Carolingian Empire

16h45-17h00 Coffee break


Edoardo Ferrarini (Univ. Verona)
Troppi agiografi per un santo: il dossier di Medardo di Noyon

Marina Zgrablić (Juraj Dobrila Univ. Pula)
Istrian Hagiographical Tradition in the Context of Political and Ecclesiastical Change in the Early Middle Ages

Marianna Cerno (Univ. Udine)
Adam of Paris’ Re-writing(s): A Revolution in the Hagiographical Dossier of Domnius of Salona?


18h30 Conference dinner

26 October | 26 de Outubro
Room / Sala B2


Carmen Codoñer (Univ. Salamanca)
La transmisión de algunas vitae visigóticas

Rossana Guglielmetti (Univ. Milano)
Annegare nelle varianti: riscritture e altre perturbazioni nella tradizione della Navigatio Brendani

10h45-11h00 Coffee break


Gaiasofia Saiani (SISMEL, Firenze)
La Passio XII fratrum: storia di un testo e delle sue riscritture attraverso i passionari

Mariangela Lanza (Marymount High School, Roma)
La Vita sancti Germani Parisiensis episcopi di Venanzio Fortunato in una riscrittura del IX secolo

Lorenzo Saraceno (Univ. Verona)
Dal santo vivente al santo canonizzato. Una rilettura del dossier romualdino


Closing session

Aires Nascimento (Chairman)

François Dolbeau (EPHE, Paris)
Une réécriture latine de la Translation d’Étienne à Constantinople, traduite par Anastase le bibliothécaire

Aires Nascimento (Univ. Lisboa)
Palavras de encerramento


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